miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

Contest Results


 "Miss & Mr Snow" by Io Eternal

More Contestants:

"Santa Pee"  by Cristina Remsen

"En busca del Grinch" By Viento Avril

By Nadiemekiere Adamzcyk

Out of Contest:

"Miss & Mr Snow 2" By Io Eternal

"Estrella fractal sobre Diotima" By Red Bikcin

Thank you so much all contestants and congrats to Io Eternal!
Magnetize-Unit Art wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

Merry Christmas Contest

(English) ɱ℮ՐՐץ  ςɧՐίSƬɱΔs & ɧΔǷǷץ  ηҽω ץҽΔՐ

Our Snowman want to travel!! Take free in the notice the MagnetiZe Snowman and/or Snowwoman and do a picture with them of one of them in some place or situation in sl.
You can use Photoshop or any software to edit the picture.
If you haven't yet the Snowman, you can take it free in the enter of our gallery:


Theme for picture is free so alow you're mind be crazy.
Only award of 1.000 lindens to best original picture.
If you are interest in our contest, send you're picture to this mail:
(Dont forget write on mail you're avatar name in Second Life)
Deadline for delivery Saturday 22th at 3am slt

(In this blog you will can see the Winner picture and the rest of contestants in few weeks)

Good Luck!
(Spanish)Ŧ℮Լί乙 ηΔ√ίDΔמ Dץ  ǷՐØSǷ℮ՐØ ΔÑØ ηƲҼVØ

Nuestro Muñeco de nieve quiere viajar! Coge de forma gratuíta en el aviso nuestro muñeco y/o muñeca de nieve MagnetiZe y haz una fotografía con ellos o uno de ellos en algún lugar o situación de Second Life.
Puedes utilizar Photoshop o cualquier software de edición de la fotografía.
Si todavía no tienes tu muñeco de nieve puedes cogerlo gratis en la entrada de nuestra galería:


 El tema de la fotografía es libre así que permite que la locura llegue a tu mente.
Un único premio de 1.000 lindens a la fotografía más original.
Si estás interesado/a en participar en el concurso, envía tu foto a este mail:
(No te olvides de escribir en el mail el nombre de tu avatar de Second Life)
Fecha máxima de entrega próximo sábado 22 de diciembre a las 3am slt ( 12 am RLT Spain)

(Las fotografías tanto ganadora como las demás participantes se expondrán 
en este blog en unas semanas)

Buena suerte!

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012


Current Art December-January

~●•MagnetiZe~ UniT Art•●~
~Jadeyu Fhang~
~Tani Thor~

•Musical Performance By Ultraviolet Alter & Morlita Quan


~●•Promotional Machinima By Morghana Savira from PyramidCafeTv•●~

~Jadeyu Fhang~
[[ Jadeyu In ~MagnetiZe~ UniT Art]] :

Jade Art Sim "Song Bird": 

Jadeyu Gallery:

More Works:

~Tani Thor~
Tani Thor in MagnetiZe~Unit Art~

Tani Thor came into being one cold day in December 2007, like a Christmas surprise, on a journey of discovery in a paralell world full of pixels and sensations.
I wandered for months in this virtual world discovering places and people but my first contact with art came about by chance. 

I don't consider myself an artist or a createor, I don't study and rarely look into things in detail, but  rather my 'things'  (I don't like to call them 'works') come together  instinctively.
I work  prims simply using my personal taste in form and colors: 'art' is  another matter!

You won't find notecards explaining my 'things': each person should see in  them whatever their instincts suggest,  the name of each item will give some  clue about the direction I meant their imagination to take when I made the object...

My approach to photography in SL is also instinctive, like the rest of my work... one or two shots at the most, to capture the fleeting feeling. 

To buy my workart this is my gallery: