jueves, 24 de enero de 2013

SenSetSation Life

SenSetSation Life Sessions
at MagnetiZe-Unit Art
Saturday 26th January


12pm slt_Dj Khaz (Ethno Dub Style)
2pm slt_Dj Morli (Flying Electronic Style)
3:30 pm slt_Dj Alessa (Dreamy Beats Style)


viernes, 18 de enero de 2013

Current Art January-February

~●•MagnetiZe~ UniT Art•●~
●• Sunday 20th January•●
 • 1pm Slt•

Art performance By:
●• Mathilde Vargon
●• Mauro Enyo
●•Asperix Asp

Musical Performance:
●• Dj Schen Residen in Jazz/blues session


●• Mathilde Vargon •●

"Leaves along the Path "

"Leaves along the Path 

On a pathway made of 
    special and mundane,
    beautiful and ugly,
    glorious and inglorious,
like strewn leaves along the way.
So are we. "

--  Mathilde Vhargon

A former professional classical musician, I began making sculpture in Second Life and then became more focused on digital painting, which I create using only Gimp software and a mouse or digital drawing pad. I love the many possibilities digital software offers for creating and saving multiple versions of a piece I am working on.

My paintings suggest themselves to me a little at a time without conscious planning. I often use small sections of them as materials to develop into new paintings.

I dislike sharp corners and edges, so my process usually involves blending and merging for smooth transitions, with dozens of small adjustments to produce the subtle, rich, analogous colour layering I enjoy. I love strong colours and flowing abstract forms. You will often find ambiguous suggestions that lead the viewer to imagine various possibilities and interpretations. I am most happy when my art creates a chain of associations and questions about life and humanity. The possibility that we might touch someone with a common connection, making them think and feel in response to our work, is the most wonderful thing about making art. 

My favourite artists are Marc Chagall and J.M.W. Turner. 

I am owner of Two Shores Gallery of Fine Art and Two Shores Gallery of Fine Art Guest Artist Annex, located in the Magna Carta sim in the Avalon arts community. My own artworks are in my Main Building.


Current Exhibits in Second Life:

My main gallery is in the Magna Carta Sim. Please visit and come again soon to see the changes I will be making there. I have smaller galleries at Space 4 Art, Timamoon, and San Diego 3D Spanish Village Artist Market. 

I am honoured to be a resident artist at Studio 33 Art Yard, and The Horus Gallery, and Studio V  Main Gallery.  I have small exhibits at other galleries. (all LMs below)


You can now purchase many of my paintings online, in a wide range of sizes, papers, canvas, mat and frame styles, or unframed. I will be adding more images to this webpage, so do check back often at this online site:


which is linked to the Fine Art America site.



●• Mauro Enyo •●

About the Artist - Mauro Enyo (in SL)
Pepe Saldarriaga (in RL)



I am a crystalline being, but wandering and restless 
because of the darkness and misery I have 
encountered so often in a contemplative way, 
and by other bloody realities I encounter in my 
own trembling skin, driving me to the point of 
madness; so that I struggle to hurl angels and 
demons from their cohabitation in my being and 
let them be perpetuated onto canvas, wooden material, 
paper, and other supporting media, sometimes 
moaning and in forms constructed from the most
dissimilar verses of poetry.

My academic studies were the result of my desire to 
improve my talent, a desire carried forward from my 
childhood. My first pen and ink sketches were drawings 
of dinosaurs that consumed cities with imaginary 
skyscrapers crashing down in a deliciously 
catastrophic scene.

I can say this to describe myself, directing a retrospective 
glance from that time forward to my arrival in the here and now 
with the same sincerity as ever, framed in a smile of welcome 
for all good-willed people.

In SL, I have exhibits at:  
To see my RL work and exhibits, please visit my webpage: 



Soy una entidad cristalina que vaga por las oscuridades y miserias de esas realidades con las que me he topado de una manera muchas veces contemplativa otras encarnizadas en mi propia piel hasta la locura; que pugna expeler los Ángeles y demonios que cohabitan en mi ser para dejarlos perpetuados en la tela, la madera, el papel, el cartón otras veces gimiendo y construidos por versos de lo mas disímiles.

Mis estudios académicos fueron el resultado del deseo de perfeccionamiento de un talento que ya traía desde niño. Mis primeros bocetos en lapicero fueron dinosaurios que consumían las ciudades con rascacielos imaginarios en movimiento en una deliciosa catástrofe.

Eso puedo decir de mi por ahora, dirigiendo una mirada retrospectiva hasta llegar al aquí y el ahora con la misma sinceridad de siempre, enmarcada en una sonrisa de bienvenida para todas las personas de buena voluntad


●• Asperix Asp •●


He is an artist with long experience in the world of the computers and with this great technical resource he is able to carry out the ideas that he wants to express. He has used, and in some cases modified, a dozen software programs to create,  manage and  alter each one of the images. After creating a 3-D structure he covers it with a texture with water. This element, properly illuminated, is located in the center of a virtual box with mirrored walls. The reflections multiply, prolonging itself without end. It is an infinite sequence within a finite space. 

Gerardo Garcia (Pértiga) 

An exceptional artist able to dominate the technical side of art so that his overflowing imagination settles and it is naturally spilled upon the canvas. His work, after an impeccable and long period history exhibiting in alternative spaces and on the Internet, is a unique gift for the art community.

Manuel Perez-Lizano (President of Aragonese Association of Critics of Art) 


Asperix Asp is born in Zaragoza, Spain, in 1958. Fan to the Art from boy.  Self-taught person. 

1978 First painting exhibition. 

1984 Leaves the conventional painting and buys its first computer. 

1985 In a collective painting exhibition put a giant monitor of video connected to the computer. During five years he extends studies in Barcelona on graphical design and Art. 

1991  Returns to Zaragoza. First individual exhibition (absolute) of artistic infografía.

1993 In spite of the hard received critics, another electronic exhibition. The jury of the Prize Sta. Isabel de Aragon, most prestigious of Zaragoza, selects a infografía to him. 

1994 A new exhibition, like all the previous ones, in an alternative room of the city. Improves the machines, the quality of the images and the critics. 

1995   Enters in the Association of Plastic Artists Goya Aragon. 

1996 Participates in the first collective exhibition of infografía of the mentioned Association. He receives the Prize Sta. Isabel de Aragon de Photography.

1997   Exhibition in the Real Photographic Society of Zaragoza. 

1998 Collective Exhibition of Infografía in the gallery of the Association of Plastic Artists Goya de Zaragoza. Participates in the creation of the Association Pértiga, and in the two exhibitions that this association organizes in the gallery Deocón de Zaragoza. 

1999  Creation of the interactive CD of the Association for the first days of alternative Art. 

2000  Creation of the virtual museum of Pértiga. Participates in II the days of Art with CLAUSTROFILIA,  a creation multimedia.  Launching of his first personal web. 

2001 Participates in Commutations 2001 with VIPANAS 3404 (Virtual webcam), in the gallery Mª Moliner de Zaragoza. The screen of the exhibition hall is already only a simple icon that sends to the spectator to the space web. Creation of the series of infografías titled LIMITS with virtual image and photographies taken by the space station Hubble. Update of the page, with two temporary exhibitions of infografía: 

2002 Launching of the series of infografias titled “OUR LADY OF HISTORY”. New update of the page, including a complete exhibition of this last series. Collective exhibition of Périga in the room of the Aragonese Artistic Grouping. 

2003 Finalist of the I prize Sta. Isabel of Aragon of infografía. 

2004 Creation of Render4,  a virtual center of Art.  New “excavations”  in Our Lady of History.  Exhibition in the virtual room of  Redaragón. 

2005 The autor, far away completely of the commercial art and the exhibitions to the use, shows its work in Internet and participates actively in diverse specialized forums. It continues his exploration of the Aragonese traditional art for all time and its present reinterpretation, helped by the most modern technologies of design in 3D. 

2006 Simultaneously, explores new forms of art, like the alive art of the paludarios. 

2007 The access to new systems of expression centers the occupations of the author. In particular, the three-dimensional virtual surroundings. Creation of his first virtual gallery in Second. Life. It is a new world of immense possibilities. 

2008 Creation of the infográfica series THE CITY OF WATER exhibited in Internet and Second Life. 

2009 Works in diverse virtual surroundings. 

2010 Exhibition of infografía in the Space of Art YUS of Zaragoza 

2011 Participates in the ZARAGOZA: an emotional vision of the city, in the Lonja of Zaragoza. It makes diverse exhibitions in Second Life.


(If you are interested in have the landmarks of Artists to see more of his works, please take the notecard avaliable at Magnetize-Unit Art gallery)

•Current artist at MagnetiZe~ UniT Art•

• Mathilde Vargon •

• Mauro Enyo •

• Asperix Asp •

jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

Electronic Festival

MagnetiZed Fest
Sunday 13th January
All times in SLT

12pm-2pm: MORLITA Quan (Experimental/Flying Electronic)
2pm.4pm: Tomsawyer Aries (Underground DeepHouse)
4pm-6pm: Aerie Yiyuan (Trance House)
6pm.8pm: 4pm-6pm: Sir Gee of Five - Dark Psy
8pm-10pm: Astro-X - Dark Psy vs Industrial Noize
10pm-12am: Alexi Ayres (Goa Psy Tech)
